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  • 公益课| 1道题-认识议论文写作
  • 2023-05-10 14:56:27

  • 雅思大作文逻辑其实很简单,考官标准文章结构也很清晰,所以说烤鸭们不用担心!今天起,陆续给大家推出Task2作文逻辑结构讲解内容,安静的学一会,完事!



    In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this. (某事件利弊探讨)


    此题讨论的问题是著名的间隔年,学生中学毕业后是否应该take a year off?


    参考范文一:侧重支持taking a gap year


    It is quite common these days for young people in many countries to have a break from studying after graduating from high school.


    The trend is not restricted to rich students (who have the money to travel), but is并列谓语 also evident among poorer students (who choose to work and become economically independent for a period of time).具象思维


    Generally, I think that this practice could lead to many desirable results.



    The reasons for this trend may involve the recognition that同位语从句 a young adult who passes directly from school to university is rather restricted in terms of general knowledge and experience of the world. By contrast, those who have spent some time earning a living or travelling to other places, have a broader view of life and better personal resources to draw on. They tend to be more independent, which is a very important factor in academic study and research, as well as giving them an advantage in terms of coping with the challenges of students’ life.



    1general knowledge and experience of the world

    —have a broader view oflife and better personal resources to draw on

    2tend to be more independent

    —a very important factorin academic study and research

    —giving them an advantage in terms of coping with the challenges of students’ life

    give sb. an edge/advantage in sth. 给某人某方面的优势



    However, there are certainly dangers in taking time off at that important age. Young adults may end up never returning to their studies or finding it difficult to readapt to an academic environment. They may think that it is better to continue in a particular job, or to do something completely different from a university course. But overall, I think it is less likely today, when academic qualifications文凭 are essential for getting a reasonable career.



    My view is that young people should be encouraged to broaden their horizons. That is the best way for them to get a clear perspective of what they are hoping to do with their lives and why. Students with such a perspective are usually the most effective and motivated ones and并列句 taking a year off may be the best way to gain this.






    第一段:用简洁的语言直接引出讨论,学生无论贫富都可以选择take a gap year写作开头简洁很重要。如果用看似华丽的套句会给人模板的感觉导致低分。

    第二段:立论段:对比直接论证选择take the gap year学生更有优势。本段是议论文写作提出支持文章中心观点的分论点,并对其进行有效支持和扩展的部分,属于主要得分段落。

    第三段:驳论段:先让步,说选择gap year的学生会面临的影响,但是又说明这种影响很容易避免,从而进一步论证自己的观点。一个优秀的考生除了能够使用恰当的论据支持自己的观点外,还必须能对自己相反的观点进行有效评价。

    第四段:表明文章中心观点,倾向支持学生take the gap year。再次强调重要性。



    Some people think students who go straight from high school to university obtain less benefits and contribute less than those who work or travel for a year before university. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (一个观点的探讨)

    While some think high school graduates should probably take a year off to go traveling or work for a period of time before going to university, others believe it is better for them to begin university life right after high school. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (两个观点的探讨)



    Analyze the merits and demerits of taking a gap year.




    范文二:支持going straight touniversity


    While taking a gap year before attending university may seem appealing to many, actually few decisions have as much potential to negatively influence our life trajectory.



    By the time high school graduation rolls around, some students are so burned out that they cannot imagine going straight to university. The idea of taking a year off could be the option for many who want to have a rest. Although it might be true that a few students really make the most of this choice to think about life later on, not too many high school graduates are  genuinely aware of the fact that it is no easy task to take and plan a seemingly lazy year off.



    By taking a break, students have thepotential disadvantage of being at least one year behind others, which means a year behind other peers from this point onwards—delayed graduation, postponed career etc. It is not only the psychological stress, but the possibility of missing chances on many fronts, such as job opportunities.



    Sometimes, life has a way of upsetting even the most carefully designed plans to return to school. Occasionally, people may become preoccupied with a relationship or family concerns to such a degree that returning to university no longer makes sense. Because a gap year breaks the momentum of students' studies and may make it areal challenge for them to adjust to the demands of university studies, many students put off their plans indefinitely, always planning to return to school at a better time, but never actually managing to do so.



    Taking a year off may not necessarily mean a bad thing but certainly involves dramatic changes in one’slife course with possible downsides and unexpected development.












    1) 侧重支持某一观点:








    - 提出反方观点,即否定文章支持的观点或者支持其他一方的观点,对其简单分析,可先让步。






    2) 侧重反对某一观点:




    - 提出反方观点,即否定文章支持的观点或者支持其他一方的观点,对其简单分析,可先让步。








    范文三:中立,批评看待taking a gap year

    The advantages and disadvantages of taking a gap year between high school and university has become a major question for many. There is no clear evidence to suggest that this practice is beneficial. Some believe it is and others think otherwise.


    Many people think that doing something other than studying for a year or so will give the young persona broader perspective on life. It seems that young people do not know much about how the real world works. A gap yearcan help to address this lack of knowledge. The break also gives young people a chance to discover what they are really interested in doing with their lives. Since many young people finish high school without a clear idea of what they want to study or what job they would like to do, the advantage is clear.


    The main disadvantage people mentioned is that taking a break can lead to a loss of study skills picked up before. However, many people think that it is not so difficult to recall these skills later on. Another disadvantage is that young people may not have enough time to develop any real skills in a job. Employers are very unlikely to give good positions to people who will only be with the company for a relatively short period of time.


    Overall, I think that the limitations and merits of taking time away from study before going to university depend on the individual. If the person knows what he or she wants to study, a break is less likely to be rewarding, unless he or she can get a job in that field during the break. A person who is less certain and feels the need to develop their knowledge of the real world is probably better off taking time off from studying.












    1) 侧重支持某一观点(具体分析见第二节课)

    2) 侧重反对某一观点(具体分析见第二节课) 

    3) 中立:


















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